Cutting-Edge Refrigeration Systems from Emerald

The ice3 Cube System provides an eco-friendly refrigeration system for ice rinks providing endless possible paths to take an out-of-date ammonia-based ice rink refrigeration system and use total heat reclamation to provide an ammonia-free eco-friendly refrigeration system for your hockey rink or commercial space. You can count on Emerald Environmental Technologies ice3 Cube System to be an efficient, quiet, environmentally friendly, cost-effective, and maintenance-free solution for an ammonia-free ice rink refrigerant plant to carry your rink safely into the future.

Ammonia-free. Compact. Cost-effective.
Efficient. Environmentally friendly. And quiet!

Emerald Environmental Technologies ice3 Cube System utilizes an ultra-low charge of R410A refrigeration systems for ice rinksrefrigerant resulting in an eco-friendly commercial refrigeration system. The ice3 Cube System focuses on efficient refrigeration operations able to capture and reuse what would be waste heat. By focusing the reclaimed heat from the ice rink refrigeration process back into the facilities we produce efficient heating and air conditioning applications. Every client loves it when we tell them their operational costs will be reduced.

Emerald Environmental Technologies’ ice3 Cube

CubeIce3 Cube Systems contains an ultra-low charge of R410A refrigerant resulting in an eco-friendly commercial refrigeration system and geothermal chiller for commercial/industrial purposes.  Ice3 Cubes are commonly found in eco-friendly ice rinks but are also applied to large refrigeration plants for companies looking for a safe ammonia-free refrigerant plant. Because the Cubes are modular they are small enough to fit through standard doorways, versatile enough to be placed on the third floor, and quiet enough to be next to a conference room. If your facility is looking for a path towards a net-zero carbon footprint, or looking for an efficient refrigeration plant retrofit/replacement, an Emerald ice3 Cube system is what you need.

Emerald specializes in highly efficient refrigeration plant retrofits and replacements with total heat reclaim and geothermal capabilities. Most importantly, Emerald fully embraces the “use it or lose it” mantra by directing (what would be) waste heat from your refrigeration plant or air conditioning system to reclaim that same heat to other facility needs. Reclaimed heat harnessed from a hockey rink refrigeration plant is an asset waiting to be utilized and is a primary consideration in all of our designs. Reclaimed heat can be used for space heating, domestic hot water, radiant floor heat, Zamboni hot water pre-heat, and many more applications. We never tire of the creative means and methods employed to meet the challenge of “use it or lose it”.

Request a Consultation

The expert team at Emerald Environmental Technologies can help define and customize which ice3 Cube combinations are ideal for your community/municipal/outdoor, upgrade project, or collegiate rink. Emerald Environmental Technologies is based in New England and services the entire east coast up through Canada. Please contact us today to request a free consultation or Email or call 603-238-9249 with questions.